Dr Ligda answers to your questions
Will I be awake during the operation?
Yes, because hair transplantation is done under local anesthesia.
Does the injection hurt?
The initial ones hurt a little. Injection technique and methodology are important to minimize local pain. In the process the patient does not feel anything.
Will I have any scars at the back of the head?
There is no concept of scarring in the occipital region as there is no skin incision done with a scalpel. The small holes of the FUE technique from the local removal of the micro-grafts heal very quickly without leaving any scar. The only things that can be noticed are whitish spots that do not show among the rest of the hair in the area.
Will there be hair thinning at the back of the head?
No, no hair thinning seems to show as long as a sufficient number of hairs per square centimeter remain in place. If the patient does many hair transplantations it would be better to keep continuously the hair at least 10 mm long.
Will I have a perfect hair density result with one and only hair transplantation?
In androgenetic alopecia and in case of filling in gaps among hair in a thinning area, the result can be very satisfactory with one operation. But as long as the patient continues to lose the original hair due to his alopecia development, further transplantations may be needed to maintain a satisfactory hair density.
In case of baldness, in order to achieve a satisfactory hair density, at least two operations per alopecia zone are required. This is because in order to ensure survival and therefore the growth of the transplanted hair follicles, the implantation must have limits regarding the number of grafts implanted per square centimeter. Therefore, we cannot “squeeze” all the hairs we want per square centimeter in one restoration operation or else there can be consequences of unpredictable extent in the final hair growth.
If I have a transplantation to increase the density of a sparse area, will I lose my own hair?
Hair transplantation to increase density in a sparse area is done according to rules in order to ensure both the hair growth of the implants as well as the survival of the original hair in the area.
Will I have a natural result?
The result will be natural, since the experienced hair transplantation specialist knows the natural human hair growth image in terms of direction of the hair but also its peculiarities, such as the formation of the frontal hairline or the vortex of the vertex (the rear zone of the alopecia).
Will I ever lose my new implanted hair?
Transplanted hairs do not fall because of the development of androgenetic alopecia. There after in their new location they continue having their life cycles and therefore they consecutively fall off and re grow as is the natural case with all our hair. They can also fall off because of a pathological condition or medication intake. In these cases hair re growth is a matter of therapy and recovery.
Why doesn’t 100% of implanted hair grow?
Hair transplantation is not a technical process of transferring hair from one place to another. It is a medical intervention on living tissues and like any surgery entails the so-called surgical trauma. As a result of this injury, a non-survival rate of implanted hair follicles is expected. Implementation with surgical rules, excellent technique and proper planning of the medical process, target the reduction of the surgical trauma and thus the percentage of non-surviving transplanted hair.
When can I return to work?
While general physical activity is not prohibited postoperatively, however, returning to work depends on many factors, such as the type of work (tiring, or sedentary), the workplace [at home or in an office with people (appearance matters), or in the countryside], the working method (need for special work accessories or not). The period of abstinence is adjusted accordingly, however usually within two weeks the patient is able to work and go on with his social life, regardless of the previous factors.
When am I free to do what I want without any restrictions?
Restriction of coffee consumption, smoking and physical exercise are imposed for the first 10 post op days. In particular, participation in any kind of sports is allowed in 20 days post-op.
Will anything show in the implanted area?
Yes. The epidermal edges of the skin grafts will be visible. These will be completely cleaned in the following 8-10 days post-op through the head washing process. Skin redness is usually gone about 10 days post-op.
When will I wash my head?
Head washing begins on the third day after hair transplantation. It is done with a specific methodology and shampoo.
Can I wear a hat so that nothing is visible on my head?
Use of hat should be avoided after the operation for a period of about 5 days. After that and for at least a week, a loose hat with a large perimeter can be used.
Will I be in pain after the operation?
Postoperative discomfort is usually numbness, pin stinging sensation, and itching. They last for about 1-2 weeks post-op and are rarely so annoying that medication such as antihistamines and painkillers are recommended. There may rarely be pain in the occipital part of the head that subsides with anti-inflammatory agents and sometimes can last up to a month.
When can I go to the barber’s?
At least 20 days post-op, for precaution of any scalp infections.
Will I take medication after the operation?
Yes. Medicines are given starting on the day of the operation and for a period of 4-5 days post-op. They are necessary to prevent swelling on the forehead and to protect against skin infections.
Will I stop taking my own medication?
If you are under medication intake for some reason, your doctor will be asked for instructions.
When will my new hair grow?
The hairs from the transplanted hair follicles fall off (in various percentages) in the first 2-3 weeks post-op and the rest remain stable in their very short length. The new hair begins to appear in the 3rd month post-op. Given that the hair grows about one centimeter per month, the new hair growth will be visible and evaluated for the first time about 5-6 months post-op.
I have white hair, will I need to dye it?
Yes. Dyeing white hair is necessary for the operation. The dye will be done in the clinic right before the operation and will go off with the head wash.