Androgenetic alopecia (common baldness) characterizes a very large percentage of men globally. It is about a pathological gradual hair loss from the scalp and final degeneration of the hair follicles which do not produce hair any more. This development leads to permanent hair loss. It is a combination of genital predisposition and effect of androgen hormones (testosterone) on the hair…
Hair transplantation remains to date the only immediate solution to the problem of androgenetic alopecia/common baldness, which essentially helps maintaining the natural scalp image. The FUE (follicular unit extraction) method is about the extraction of one by one skin micro-implants/grafts which contain a different number of hair follicles each and derive from the rear – occipital part of the scalp.…
Surgical restoration of androgenetic alopecia is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about 4 to 7 hours depending on the hair loss grade and the patient’s needs. The procedure is divided into two phases. The first is about going among the original hair at the occipital part of the scalp and taking/extracting skin micrografts containing hair follicles. This process is…
Androgenetic alopecia can present also in women since it is a genetically predisposed condition and may be hereditary to all people. In women hair loss presents in a different pattern since common baldness like that seen in men is not the usual case. The usual pattern involves scalp hair thinning mainly all over the top of the head (zones A…
Alopecia is called the loss of hair from the head or from another part of the body. There are two major categories of alopecias, the cicatricial and the non – cicatricial ones. Cicatricial alopecias are characterized either by inflammatory or by fibrotic conditions in the skin that permanently damage and degenerate the hair follicular units and can even damage the…
The patient’s usual/typical expectations The operation’s typical characteristics Explanations to the patient Hair transplant is a surgical operation applied on live human tissue on an awake person. The above means that: Restoration of the alopecia Complete restoration of the AGA alopecia pattern in a single hair transplant depends on the followings: Limitations of the Surgical procedure Hair transplant is done…